The Time When I Truly Feel Confident Will Shock You

I saw a question on Quora asking when one felt most confident, and since I had never thought about such before, I found it funny. Have you ever stopped to think of when you feel most confident? Well, after seeing this question, I did. I went through all the times when I could say I was truly confident but weird enough, none could match the final answer I had to this query.
The time when I do feel the most confident is the moment when I am stepping out of the house in the morning. Before I leave my house, I take ten to fifteen minutes in a hot shower and some of that time I spend brushing my teeth, then apply my sweet scented deodorant, and lather my skin with carefully chosen body lotion where after I will put on clothes that will match the energy and the mood of the day ahead. Once I am all dressed, I will check to see that not a single strand of hair is out of place and when that is out of the way, spray on a little perfume, put on my wrist watch and finally apply some oil on my lips. All that remains now is to stand in front of the mirror and confirm a few things;
“Bad breath?”
“Smelling nice?”
“Suitable clothes?”
“Loving what I am seeing?”
If everything checks fine, I smile and if I have got a few minutes to spare, snap a selfie and finally step out of the house.

The times when I have felt confident are many, but they vary throughout the day. But of all those times, my confidence is always at its peak at the moment when I am stepping out of the house. I guess it is because that is the only time when I feel in control of things that are within my control. When I leave the house, I can never be too sure of how the day will go. I am not guaranteed of returning home happy. I may come back angry, broken or glowing. The moment I leave the house, I am aware that I may not be in control of everything that will happen and I think that is still okay. How people will see me or what they will think about me will also be beyond my control.
But how I step out of that house to face the world, I get to decide that and that gives me all the confidence!